Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog 4: "The Banking Concept of Education"

While reading the essay "The Banking Concept of Education," by Paulo Friere, I found many things to be pretty interesting and some parts to be quite complicated. The beginning and the end parts were easy to grab a hold of, but the middle part of the essay was not easy to understand. I had to keep rereading things so that I could get a better understanding of what he was talking about. But there was one part of the essay that stuck out to me, and that was when he said "Education thus becomes an act of depositing, the students are the depositories, and the teacher is the depositor. I have been in school for a while and I have never thought of education that way. I agree with this statement because that is how most of my schooling has been. The teacher giving me information, me remembering it for a test then forgetting most of it after the test is over. I do not think that this is the best way for people to learn because if you do not take the time out to learn the information, you will not know anything when it is time to apply the information that you learned in school to work. I do not think that tests are the best way to grade a person on whether they are learning anything. I believe that there should be another way to grade a student of whether they know the information or not.

1 comment:

  1. yep. I think that a better way to "test" students is for them them to create a "test" of the material. This would allow them to decide what they think students should remember from a given course.
