Thursday, September 29, 2011

Research Exploratory Blog II: Research Prospectus

There has always been one problem that we have in the world today that I have always thought about. The problem that I am referring to is obesity. This has always been on my mind because I did not grow up around people who were obese. The people that I always hung out around when I was younger was always into sports and was never home playing on the different types of game systems all night. I chose this topic because obesity has become a real problem in the world today. There are now young children that are obese, and I want to know why there are so many young children are this way.
My thesis statement is has the decline of physical activity in schools increased obesity? In order to support my thesis, I have to find evidence that states many reasons of why and how the decline of physical activity has increased obesity in the world today. In order to do this I would like to find more articles that go through a child’s ordinary day. I would like to take it upon myself and do my own personal researching, going out an interviewing young children in the neighborhood where I live at in Jacksonville to find out how they feel about the schools taking out physical education. I want to know are they happy that they will not have to do any physical activity in school or are some of them mad at the fact that they will not have a chance in school to have fun and exercise while they are in school. I think that this is the main reason why children are obese and unhealthy. I believe that this problem needs to be fixed and physical activity in schools should more important.
I believe that the only counterargument that I will have is that the parents may say that their kids are getting hurt while doing the different activities in physical education. I would say that if their children were in good shape and knew what they were doing while participating in these activities they would not get hurt as easily.
While doing research, I have found many articles that talks about how the decrease in physical activities in schools has caused many young children to become obese. I have looked at articles on the ESPN website, two articles on google scholar, which include, Childhood Obesity: future directions and research priorities, and Childhood Obesity: a new pandemic of the new millennium. While using those sources I will also use my own information from the interviews that I am going to do.
I believe that this is a good research for me to do because I would get to know what the children think about the schools taking out physical education.

1 comment:

  1. Ashanee,

    I fully support you going out and doing actual "field" research for this project. This is definitely the kind of research that will help with what you hope to achieve in your profession and major as well as give you some great real world evidence of your point.

    I think that your counterargument is a good one. One thing you will have to consider are the claims that other factors (fast food/parenting, etc.) may also contribute to the obesity problem rather than the lack of physical education in schools. I don't think you believe that these are negligible factors, but they may need addressing.

    I suggest that you localize this issue--talk about the issue of "taking out" physical education in schools in Jacksonville! Your conclusion can generalize about obesity, but you have a meaningful, local issue that you can do field research on, look at some documents (newspaper articles, school documents) that are bound to have been created about this decision, and then looking at some more "universal" issues about obesity and physical education in books.

    I look forward to learning more about this issue in Jacksonville--Feel free to post links and other things that you find about this issue. This is a great start!

    Crtiique: The prospectus fulfills the requirements, but should be edited for some grammatical issues.
