Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog 1 : Research Ideas

There are many things that interest me. But there is one thing that sticks out to me that I would like to find out more about. That thing is the topic of obesity. Since I am an athlete this topic really interests me because all of my life I have grown up learning ways to stay fit and not to gain that much weight because of the sport that I am in. I would like to research the reasons why people are obese, I want to know if it is a genetic thing or is it because they eat whatever they want and not care what their body looks like. Those are the questions that come to mind when I think about obesity. So, that is why I want to look more into obesity in order to see why the people that are obese are that way.

1 comment:

  1. Obesity is an interesting topic. The key to making this topic into a "surprising" thesis is to get at it in an interesting way. You said that you are a student athlete, so maybe think about connecting a nation's obesity rate to its sports culture? Something like that? keep digging for a contestable thesis.
