Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blog 1: "Why Bother?"

While reading this article "Why Bother?", I found it to be different from what I thought this article was going to be about. i had no idea that this story was going to be anything about saving energy, basically going green. But once you think about it that is the right question to ask when talking about going green. The author stated what if he turned his life around and started to do everything to conserve energyl, like walking to work, not eating beef, hang his laundry on a line, and go completely local. But then there is someone out else out there who is doing the complete opposite, what sense does that make to change his ways while outher people are not changing their ways. I think that is a good question to ask when it comes to going green and saving energy, "Why Bother?" I got a lot of information out of reading this article and I found it to be very interesting to read and would like to read more about it.

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