Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blog 2: "The Pain Scale"

While reading "The Pain Scale," by: Eula Biss I found that she is a very interesting author, and her mind wild. This story was very interesting and there were many things that stuck out to me while reading this. She had a very interesting way of pointing out her pain or the ways of choosing how much you were in pain by the numbers on the scale. That one thing that really stuck out to me was the way that she headed each different section. For instance, when she was talking about the level of zero pain she had a zero at the end of the line with an arrow going in the positive number direction, but when she went on to talk about the level of pain 1 she had a number 1 with arrows coming from both directions. I found that to be very interesting because I thought that there was no number under zero when it comes to the pain scale, so that one thing had me thinking a lot.

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